Fortis Healthcare launches AI-powered Adayu Mindfulness app
Launched in partnership with United We Care, an AI-powered self-assessment tool will enable Indian users to receive virtual mental care.
Launched in partnership with United We Care, an AI-powered self-assessment tool will enable Indian users to receive virtual mental care.
Healthcare providers are likely to use a combination of emerging technologies to deliver advanced care irrespective of patient location, according…’s collaboration with Medtronic harnesses the power of AI to elevate stroke care in locations across India.
Healthtech, already a hub of innovation in India, is poised to grow further, driven by AI capabilities.
Doctors in India may set their own price as they connect through a new app with local patients requesting a…
By joining forces, the two companies from the UAE and India seek to reduce healthcare costs and improve patient care.
Explainable AI approaches with clinical and laboratory markers could predict COVID severity and enable healthcare professionals to optimise medical resources.